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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Biden's Kick-Off a Bomb

While working out on a treadmill at the gym today, I watched pieces of Biden's kickoff rally in PA. Had little choice as there were no other news stations to watch. The guy next to me and I were quietly and knowingly shaking our heads in disbelief throughout Biden's hollow oration. The desperate question which haunted me was, are there any Demonrat candidates willing to tell the unvarnished truth to their devoted disciples? Do they have a cogent, substantive agenda? Apparently not. Wisely relying on a teleprompter, bumbling Biden repeated that "it's time to stop fighting and fix things" (Novel idea. Hello, Nadler and Nancy. Hello, Demonrats.) He celebrated an economy whose vigor he shamelessly attributed to Obama and, of course, to him. (Aye Yai Yai!) He reiterated that Trump was "the divider-in-chief" (Not race-baiting, Mr. Identity Politics Obama). He celebrated our strong military, seemingly taking credit for that as well. It was disappointingly mendacious and spectacularly shallow. But, the clapping seals and related automatons were out in force and clung enthusiastically to each lie and lofty, albeit insincere, Lincolnesque generality. I kept glancing at the cheering, grinning throng and was spellbound by their obvious unawareness and ignorance. So sad. I loved it when he repeated that "only Americans can destroy Americans", or words to that effect. And ain't that the truth. So much twaddle and baloney. So many blatant lies. And the low-information horde voraciously lapped it up. I stepped off the treadmill sooner than I had planned. Frankly, I couldn't stomach the bilge. If this is the future, I want no part of it--and I will accept no part in it.

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