Many years in the making, this increasingly irreparable ideological divide separates socialism and capitalism, statism and individual liberty.
And no matter how hard we try, like oil and water these competing ideologies can never, ever mix.
Deeply ideologically divided, the unsettling reality is now patently obvious: we are now and have been for some time a nation headed for political dissolution. Like our Constitution itself, our union
too is on life support.
Gone are the simpler, more wholesome times when Americans shared first principles, divided only by relatively innocuous political gamesmanship rather than fiercely opposing ideological convictions.
In the face of these severely divergent political viewpoints, sustaining an “indivisible union” may, in the longer term, be but a pipe dream.
Well, it was a great ride while it lasted.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." George Orwell.