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Saturday, November 4, 2017

Can Outsider Trump Succeed?

IN AN UPCOMING BUSH BOOK, 93-yr old George H.W. Bush described Trump as a "blowhard" and, partially because of Trump's rough treatment of his son, Jeb, H.W. actually voted for Hillary in the 2016 election. His son. GW, though similarly disconcerted with Trump, chose a wiser, more balanced approach by voting for neither Hillary nor Trump. (To me, the younger GW clearly displayed sounder judgement than did his understandably protective Dad.)
But, like so many others, what neither of these fine, intelligent men seem to understand is WHY Americans, desperate, frightened and totally disillusioned with both parties, voted for outsider Donald Trump. And, let's face it. The Bush dynasty's globalist, big government, establishment-based views of governing were contributing reasons as to why Trump is currently occupying the Oval Office--not just Hillary's larcenous & pathological behavior or Obama's mendacity, divisive PC and subversive lawlessness.
Is Trump flawed, narcissistic? You betcha'. But, no more so than any politician who has ever before sought the highest office in the world. (It is common knowledge that an inordinately well-developed ego is always a hallmark of those seeking positions of authority. It's human nature.)
So, the question as yet unanswered is this: Can Trump do any worse than his predecessors? No. Can he do any better? Quite possibly.
And because he is unshackled from a self-serving establishment mindset and is not burdened with a driving personal need to enrich himself while in office, his presidency bodes well for the restoration of the Rule of Law, individual Liberty and both our economic & military strength.
Though he has many serious hurdles to overcome, the most challenging being the entrenched establishment and heavy-handed federal bureaucracy--to say nothing of the destructive domestic cultural & ideological war he has inherited--to what extent he is able to tame and/or constructively re-direct those tyrannical, subversive forces will determine the level of his and America's success in the near future. In truth, this could be our last chance to get it right. We shall see and wish both him and America the best.