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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Recognizing We Have a Problem is the First Step

What Americans are confronting today is the cumulative effect of over a century of Progressive, aka Marxist, subversion. Aping Mao's Great Leap Forward and the Soviet's endless Five Year Plans, from Pres. Wilson's euphemistic New Freedom, FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society, the alien ideological onslaught has been intensive and extremely effective.

In truth, the societal and political transformation we've undergone has been nothing short of traumatic and cause for clamorous alarms. 

It's taken a long time for the Progressives to indoctrinate, misinform, muddle and undermine our values, traditions and institutions, and their subversive attempts have been remarkably successful. Just look around. However, we do have an ace in the hole: most mainstream Americans have now awakened to this diabolical threat to our Liberty and our economic freedom and vitality. Clearly recognizing that there is a well-defined and potentially devastating threat poised against us is the first step to redemption.

Subversion of Our Immigration System is Deliberate

THINK ABOUT IT. While it's understandable and, I believe, constitutionally justifiable to invoke his emergency authority per Art IV Sec 4, Art I Sec 9 Cl 1, Art II Sec 2, Art I Sec 8, 15, 16 to stop the "invasion" on the southern border, Trump must know that walls are but band-aids intended to stanch the heavy bleeding but that they do not address the underlying causes of the border crisis. 

The real fix is in enforcing employer sanctions on those employers who hire illegal aliens (something the "US" Chamber of Commerce will continue to resist and hate), ridding the system of catch-and-release, and subjecting ALL illegal entrants to arrest, detention and/or imprisonment, as appropriate. Any illegal re-entries must entitle those entrants to a nice cell in a federal prison and immediate deportation after serving his/her time. And no more "alternative detention" scenarios which effectively permit illegals to hole up in internal "detention" situations far from the border where they are allowed to await judicial review of their asylum claims. We all know what happens to 98% of these illegals: they remain in the country permanently. There must also be a strict accounting of visa overstays and an aggressive effort to locate and either imprison or deport them. 

For a variety of greedy economic and self-serving political reasons, our so-called "immigration system" is deliberately designed by politicians and their business lobbyists/donors to encourage illegal entries. Cheap labor and future voters. SO, let's not get our hopes up too high on the effectiveness of the wall. Ultimately, the "system" itself must be shaken out and the deliberately laid mine fields removed.

Friday, February 8, 2019


A number of folks have asked me what I meant by my words, "Unity at ANY price is suicidal." It's really quite simple:
If union alone is the goal of Americans, and not the safeguarding of our traditions, the principles of dual state-federal sovereignty, limited federal authority, and protecting our liberties, then what good is such a union to a free man.
It is also important to note that our framers never suggested we would be--or, logically, should be--an "indivisible union", indivisibility being a fatuous and revisionist notion injected into our thinking in the early 20th century by a socialist. In fact, understanding the innate corruption of man, the consensus among our founders was that the republic they created would likely not last much beyond 1825. In truth, original meaning and intent were already under siege from the earliest years of our republic. Add Lincoln's War in 1861 and relentless Progressive subversion since the early 20th century and you have a constitutional republic in its death throes. In short , for over 150 years we've been spiraling into constitutional disorder and lurching toward authoritarianism.
So, that's what I mean by those words which, with each passing day, sound increasingly more painfully relevant. And, very frankly, I'm too old to embrace my overly optimistic Pollyanna side, a puerile facet which is always so readily inclined to ignore the menacing and divisive ideological winds besetting us and our once seemingly indestructible constitutional republic. For me, there is some special comfort and wisdom in dealing with reality. Unity at ANY price really is suicidal.


GRAB A CUP OF COFFEE AND READ this amazingly spot-on article by the scholarly Abbeville Institute. As teasers, I offer these two short paragraphs from the article which, for many years now, perfectly mirrors my own viewpoints in this matter. Take heed, folks. And with the enactment of the National Popular Vote proceeding at a rapid pace among blue states, we may be closer to realizing our national fate, for better or worse, than any us could have imagined. For me, successful passage of the NPV interstate compact, a Progressive initiative quietly underway now for some time which obliterates the Electoral College, will surely seal our fate, one way or the other. Best we be fully prepared for any eventuality. For too long now, we've scurried around stanching the endless bleeding on every front, essentially plugging a damn which is about to burst, and hoping against hope that it will all somehow work out for the best, with or without our own active engagement. My humble advice: best we jettison the Pollyanna in us and focus on the likely irremediably foundational mess we are now in. Clearly see that our "fight", while noble indeed, is very likely in vain. Anyway, read on, please.
"Are we not living in a geographical entity officially called the United States of America where verifiably there are TWO Americas, TWO conceptions of what is real and what is not real, TWO ideas of what is moral and what is not, TWO views about Truth and Error, TWO visions about using whatever means is available to reach a desired and posited end (which for one of these groups is the creation of a brutal, vicious and soulless “utopia” that would make Joe Stalin’s Communism seem like Disneyland in comparison)?
"Words—“devil terms”—now pop up with amazing regularity and frequency: “racism,” “white privilege,” “sexism,” “toxic masculinity,” “equality,” “democracy,” and so on. And these terms have been weaponized and are now employed by those on the Left—but also by many elitist movement conservatives (“conservatism inc.”)—to disauthorize, condemn, and damn anyone who would actually oppose the rapid Leftward spiral of what remains of this nation."
Is Secession the Answer? By Boyd Cathey on Feb 4, 2019 Share on Facebook Tweet it Share on Google+ Share on LinkedIn Pin it Share on Reddit Share on StumbleUpon Email this Print Watching NBC’s TODAY program on Tuesday, January 23, 2019, there was anchor Savannah Guthrie demanding to know if Coving...