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Friday, May 24, 2019

IT'S UP TO US: We Must READ & Enforce the Constitution

Though I know for some of you my focus on the Constitution today has been a bit tedious, for our own good I feel hopelessly compelled to inflict that tedium upon you. Once we all better understand the basics, void of modern lawyerly spin and misinterpretation, I believe we will more clearly understand how far afield we've strayed from our foundational principles. With knowledge comes power, but, of course, only if we exercise that power. OK. So, here's a chart kindly prepared by Huldah which you should copy and prominently scotch tape to your desk. Then, as legislative proposals or acts and judicial edicts are forthcoming, test the constitutionality of those acts and edicts against this chart. You can also photocopy Art I, Art II and Art III and do the same. This is really all you need to differentiate between that which is lawful and that which is not. The important thing is that we not stop at attacking the symptoms of our national sickness, but that we proceed to the cause itself which, in nearly all cases, stems from our ignorance of or deliberate faithlessness to our founding documents. So, here's the chart. Master this and you've completed Constitution 101 and probably 201 as well.. But, finally, read the Constitution!! Keep a pocket Constitution close at hand. (I carry 3, one in my car, one in my jacket, one in my briefcase.) The Constitution isn't rocket science, though lawyers, politicians and other obfuscators would want you to believe otherwise:
Our Declaration of Independence says Rights come
from God. To secure those Rights, we established
the Constitution for the United States of America
wherein we created the federal gov’t: an alliance of
sovereign States associated in a “federation” for the limited purposes expressly enumerated in the Constitution.
Fed gov’t of 3 branches: Legislative, Executive &
1. Has lawful power only over these Art II objects
(for the Country at large):
 International trade & diplomacy
 War – national defense
 Make Treaties, but only on objects authorized
by Constitution!
 Establish uniform commercial system:
o weights & measures
o patents & copyrights
o money system (gold & silver)
o bankruptcy laws
o mail delivery & some road building
 Laws on naturalization & immigration
 Certain civil rights (in the Amendments)
 Make & enforce only a few criminal laws
 Federal courts for specific purposes only
 Miscellaneous “housekeeping”: census, etc.
 May borrow money & levy taxes, but only for
purposes authorized by Constitution!
2. God given Rights secured by federal gov’t:
 Life: military, pirates, traitors, secure borders
 Property rights: honest money, weights &
measures, patents & copyrights, bankruptcy law
 Limited & enumerated powers secure right to
be left alone!
 Fair trials in federal courts: Dt 1:16-17; Dt
19:15-20 & Mt18:16; Ex 18:13-26; don’t bear
false witness; 5th- 8th Amendments
The States or the People:
1. Retain all powers except those delegated exclusively
to fed gov’t or prohibited to the States by Art. I, § 10:
 Federalist Paper No. 45 (3rd para from end) by
James Madison, Father of our Constitution:
(“The powers delegated by the proposed
Constitution to the federal government are few
and defined. Those which are to remain in the
State governments are numerous and indefinite.
The former will be exercised principally on
external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and
foreign commerce … the powers reserved to the
several States will extend to all the objects which
… concern the lives, liberties, and properties of
the people, and the internal order …and prosperity
of the State.”)
 Tenth Amendment.
2. State gov’ts secure rights God demands that gov’ts
honor (e.g., fair trials) & protect us from those who
seek to deprive us of God given rights. E.g.,
 Life: prosecute murderers, ban abortion,
euthanasia, drunk driving; quarantines for
dangerous diseases, etc.
 Sanctity of our persons: prosecute rapists,
muggers, kidnappers, child molesters, etc.
 Property rights: prosecute robbers; punish
negligence, fraud, & breach of contract; courts
available for dispute resolution; etc.
The fed gov’t. & State gov’ts. have different spheres of operation. The fed govt. is “supreme” only in those few &
enumerated powers delegated exclusively to it. The States or the People retain supremacy in all other matters, whether expressed or implied. When the fed gov’t. usurps powers retained by the States or the People, it becomes unlawful & illegitimate, in which case Nullification is the “rightful remedy”.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Abortion and the Constitution

With a growing number of States FINALLY asserting their constitutional authority to regulate abortion, may we reasonably hope that the moribund founding principle of "dual federal-State sovereignty", a foundational principle wisely laid down by our Founders, is being resuscitated? For only then can our constitutional republic be restored to its former luster.
Though the slaughtering of innocents is odious and morally depraved, we need only to rely on the Constitution itself to win the argument. Of course, that relies upon folks' reading and understanding the Constitution. It also requires us and our respective States to render unacceptable and of no force any federal violations of State laws in that regard.
Would all States reject such murder? No. But, many would, and that's the sheer beauty of the 10th Amendment. One size doesn't fit all, and the founders well understood that. Thus, we needn't submit ourselves to exhaustingly emotional and infuriatingly illogical arguments over the issue. We simply leave the matter of abortion regulation with the individual States where it constitutionally belongs. Don't like your State's abortion laws, then re-locate to a State whose views mirror your own. Perfect and sensible founding solution.

Biden's Kick-Off a Bomb

While working out on a treadmill at the gym today, I watched pieces of Biden's kickoff rally in PA. Had little choice as there were no other news stations to watch. The guy next to me and I were quietly and knowingly shaking our heads in disbelief throughout Biden's hollow oration. The desperate question which haunted me was, are there any Demonrat candidates willing to tell the unvarnished truth to their devoted disciples? Do they have a cogent, substantive agenda? Apparently not. Wisely relying on a teleprompter, bumbling Biden repeated that "it's time to stop fighting and fix things" (Novel idea. Hello, Nadler and Nancy. Hello, Demonrats.) He celebrated an economy whose vigor he shamelessly attributed to Obama and, of course, to him. (Aye Yai Yai!) He reiterated that Trump was "the divider-in-chief" (Not race-baiting, Mr. Identity Politics Obama). He celebrated our strong military, seemingly taking credit for that as well. It was disappointingly mendacious and spectacularly shallow. But, the clapping seals and related automatons were out in force and clung enthusiastically to each lie and lofty, albeit insincere, Lincolnesque generality. I kept glancing at the cheering, grinning throng and was spellbound by their obvious unawareness and ignorance. So sad. I loved it when he repeated that "only Americans can destroy Americans", or words to that effect. And ain't that the truth. So much twaddle and baloney. So many blatant lies. And the low-information horde voraciously lapped it up. I stepped off the treadmill sooner than I had planned. Frankly, I couldn't stomach the bilge. If this is the future, I want no part of it--and I will accept no part in it.

Comrade Bernie Hates Private Education

Being able to control education is a keystone of Communist doctrine. And being the ardent Communist he has demonstrably been all his life, Comrade Bernie recently announced his opposition to "unaccountable", un-unionized private charter schools. Saying they "drain funds from public schools", an oft-repeated refrain of the NEA and their unionized pedagogic heel-clickers plaguing our gov't-run indoctrination centers, Bernie is not at all interested in accountability. He is interested in currying electoral favor with the destructive teachers' unions dominating our "education" system, eliminating all competition to a demonstrably failed public education system, and greatly enhancing government authority over every aspect of education. But the clueless seals and automatons continue to routinely applaud such flagrant Leftist insanity.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

SHIFTY & THE TOAD: A Profile in Dishonor

In mindless lock-step with his dimwitted pals on the now notorious Hill, I am sure you've noticed how asinine "Shifty" Schiff, poster boy for greasy, slimy lawyers everywhere, has suddenly veered from his useless and laughably specious proclamations that he has "proof" of Trump-Russia collusion. His focus is now on the constitutional "duty" of "congressional oversight" of the Executive Branch, the non-existent "constitutional crisis", holding the AG in "contempt of Congress" and encouraging the House's use of "inherent contempt"--the latter used only once in 1935-- which entails the Sergeant-at-Arms being dispatched by the House to seize and detain the AG and any other subpoenaed Executive Branch witnesses to testify before Congress. And, of course, not to be outdone, toady Nadler, hereafter called the "Toad", is talking about introducing a bill which would end the statute of limitations with respect to presidential legal liability for "crimes" or "misdemeanors" committed before and during his time in office. A few things: 1) I carefully scoured the Constitution this morning, and, as suspected, not one syllable of "congressional oversight" appeared in either Art I or Art II; 2) as already discussed in a previous post, there is no "constitutional crisis" because what the Toad is demanding, that being the AG's violating the law, is nothing more than supercilious hokum, pure theater, intentionally disinformational and incredibly lawless in and of itself; 3) Though I can certainly see the usefulness of Congress' acting upon the doctrine of "inherent contempt" in particularly egregious situations, since Mueller found no collusion (which, by the way, isn't a crime unless there was a quid-pro-quo money exchange, which the report does not support), the House's impetuously and foolishly acting on "inherent contempt" would absolutely precipitate a serious constitutional crisis of the first order. And not even Shifty, the Toad or San Fran Nan are that brain-dead; 4) the floundering Demonrats are simply desperate. Always the lock-step party-first hacks, they have no uplifting, sensible agenda for the country, their increasingly annoying messages remain wed to identity politics, and their all-consuming and most likely suicidal interests remain that of destroying Trump at any cost and of extricating their worthless butts from the bowels of irrelevance, betrayal and shame.


Couldn't be more heartened by Alabama's passage of the country's strictest anti-abortion law.
If nothing else, Alabama is properly asserting its constitutional authority in this matter. Per the 10th Amendment, regulating abortion, helmet laws and myriad other objects are residual state powers, plain and simple. As you know, the feds were never delegated authority by the States to regulate, prohibit or permit abortion. In short, unless a power is explicitly delegated to the federal government or expressly denied to the States, that power exclusively devolves upon the individual States. Not opinion, just constitutional fact! Simply put, authority over abortion manifestly does NOT fall within the fed's constitutional purview, and all serious students of the Constitution know that. (But, hey. What lawyers and judges today have even read the Constitution or, worse, honor it.)
Since the misnamed civil war, States have accepted a submissive role as vassals in this once proud and dynamic "voluntary union of States". In so doing, they have each routinely caved to federal encroachment upon their powers, submission made all the more tantalizing and tolerable by hefty federal handouts and painful memories of federal aggression against uncooperative States. But, at long last, perhaps the States are on the cusp of recovering their sovereignty and re-asserting their constitutional authority, thus reinstating the foundational doctrine of "dual federal-state sovereignty" without which there can be no federal republic or that wonderful laboratory of experimentation among the States which the framers so wisely envisioned.
Political authority over abortion is the battle today, but there remain countless and serious other federal encroachments on State authority which, in time and only with principled courage and leadership, the States must nullify.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Wow. Our adolescent "friends" on the left just don't know when to stop and behave like adults. Blue states are already attempting to quash the electoral college by requiring that all electoral votes cast in each state go to whichever candidate wins the national vote, thus ensuring a "blue coast" victory in all future presidential elections. Of course, casting electoral votes in this manner violates the Constitution, thus rendering those electoral votes null and void. Naughty, naughty boys and girls. They know they're being bad, but they just can't help themselves. Now the Demonrat adolescents are encouraging Blue states to disqualify any presidential or VP candidate on the ballot who hasn't divulged his/her tax returns. Of course, that too won't legally fly. In Andrews v Celebreeze (1983) and Williams v Rhodes (1968), the Supreme Court properly opined that it is unconstitutional for states to alter national ballot qualifications. But these misbehaving, wailing kids will continue to annoy, exhaust, frustrate and test the patience of the adults in the country. And so it goes...


With what seems to be the inexorable collapse of the deep state's defenses and the incremental public exposure of all the attending Democrat scandals, I just pray that Americans remain both determined and stoic as the unprecedented level of corruption in our government is finally and, I hope, fully exposed. As erstwhile untouchables within this matrix of corruption are brought to justice and imprisoned, and though justifiably sick to our stomachs, we must remain strong. For most of us, it's a simple matter of national survival. If we don't clean up this terrible mess and reduce the formidable size and grasp of our federal government, we may never restore constitutional order again. And if that is the case, just where are we going to run?


Where are the American "feminists" in all this? By their wretched silence, they condone these horrors. Anyway, after some hesitation I decided to share this painfully poignant post by Mychal Massie. Why Congress permits infiltrators Tlaib and Omar to run roughshod over America and the Jewish people is beyond me. And Pelosi's permitting Ilhan Omar a seat on the Foreign Relations Committee where classified national security information is discussed is nothing short of seditious. Pelosi should also be run of of town. Tragically, our Congress has, by in large, been lost to cockroaches, insurgents and seditionists.
‘Alone With Jesus’ is a collection of daily devotions born out of author Mychal Massie’s quiet time with Jesus over the past thirty-six years as a born again Christian and ordained minister. The devotions are intended to help you see and live a life of Christ in your daily lives.


HEADLINE: "High School Considers Removing George Washington Murals Because They ‘Traumatize’ Students"
It never ends, does it...
Want to solve the problem of over-sensitive snowflakes? Easy. Fire the propagandists who teach them, the revisionist writers who compose their textbooks--and, of course, the Superintendent and School Board. THEN, take over or otherwise direct your childrens' education. It's called good parenting 101. Do nothing and you doom your indoctrinated children to endless failure and, in many cases, probably suicide. And the fate of the country will be sealed as well.
(“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” -Vladimir Lenin)


Among the decent, the natural inclination is to downplay, make excuses for, or even ignore evil, choosing instead to reserve judgement on the extent and reality of that evil's destructiveness until sufficient proof of that evil is so overwhelming as to be painfully unmistakable. For me, Islamic jihadis, radical white supremacist terrorists, authoritarians and the modern Democrat Party, aka Democratic Socialists, have more than clearly demonstrated their malicious intent. And since subversion of decency and liberty are the telltale signs of that evil, then it behooves us all to see it as it really is.
Yes, many of their leaders and followers have been blinded by their thirst for political power alone, and still others have simply become unhinged, misled and addled by the relentless and highly effective barrage of nihilistic Leftist propaganda over the years. But this must be clear to all who value peace, harmony and individual freedom: the "modern Democrat Party" has morphed into a malignant cancer which, if permitted to further metastasize in a free society which was born of an abiding belief in the value of individual freedom, will spell the end of individual Liberty, Capitalism and all other liberating and empowering natural forces for which humanity has always hungered and only by which it may flourish.
In short, the Democrat Party is no longer the JFk party, and hasn't been the JFK party for quite some time. Thus, awakened to the clear and present danger which the modern Democrat Party has become, and as wisely counseled by our Founders and buoyed by a healthy regard for our own survival as a free people, we are each duty-bound to ensure that the modern Democrat Party is not just resisted, but hobbled and ultimately excised from the body politic.


I know this will fall on deaf ears and blinded eyes. It may anger both Lefties AND patriots. But, here it is. The President appears to be prepared to violate the Constitution. Though I have been lauding him for his sterling record of faithfulness to date, I fear his likely deal with anti-constitutionalists Nancy and Chuck may jeopardize his law-abiding record.
The inconvenient truth, folks, is that the $1 - $2T infrastructure proposal is both unaffordable and unconscionably unconstitutional. I read and re-read the Constitution, specifically Articles I and II. I also consulted relevant Federalist papers by Monroe and Hamilton to tease forth at least a minimally convincing lawful justification for such a profligate project. Sorry, but an infrastructure bill, no matter how noble in intent, cannot be constitutionally justified. And even if infrastructure spending were justified and within the authority of the federal government, how in hell can a country already awash in gargantuan, unsustainable debt afford it?
So, how do the feds get around this problem? Our founders designed a solution. Congress would need to invoke Art V to amend the Constitution in a manner which would permit such expenditures. In his Farewell Address, Washington warned us that if we want the fed gov’t to have a power the Constitution doesn’t delegate to it, then we should amend the Constitution to delegate that new power – we must NOT allow the feds to exercise a power by usurpation.
Deeply disappointed. These days it requires super-human integrity and faithfulness to fully live up to one's Oath of Office. Tragic.