But, gee, what can you expect of a big crowd? There are bound to be bad apples. Were those Tea Partiers any better?
Anointed by big labor, openly supported by high-minded public figures like Roseanne Barr and Michael Moore, by high profile and thoughtful Democratic Party leaders like Rep. Nancy Pelosi , and with the encouragement of the Democratic Socialists of America , how can anyone seriously believe that OWS is anything but an admirable mirror image of the Tea Party?
With many marching OWS protesters donning CPUSA T-shirts and unfurled red flags in Chicago (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avG4LgTF0ho), I can’t imagine why so many Americans are misjudging these civic-minded American citizens who have consistently espoused nothing but peaceful protest and honest, intelligent debate.And to you right wing nuts, this: unfairly dubbing them “useful idiots” of the radical far left is grossly irresponsible and intentionally incendiary. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Frankly, OWS patriots burst my buttons with pride.