HEADLINE: "Venezuelan President Finally Admits That Socialism is Broken, Economy Is Destroyed" (August 2018)
Sounds like President Maduro has seen the light? Well, sort of. At least he's acknowledging the abject failure of socialism. With hyperinflation further impoverishing the country and 93% of the population not earning enough for their own food needs, I'd say it was about time someone in Venezuela saw the light.
My guess is that his admission of failure is akin to a Hail Mary pass. He knows he and his regime are finished and that it is only a matter of time. That said, the following exemplifies the superficiality of his supposed epiphany: first, he blames the "US empire", then Chavez, his predecessor, and then the Venezuelan people--yes, the PEOPLE--for the economic disaster his regime created. (And you know what? In a real sense, Mad Maduro's right when he blames the people. The people demanded free bread and circus and they got stung with their own avarice.) Then, he proclaims "I want solutions, Comrades!" Comrades??? Gee, doesn't sound like a liberating epiphany to me. Yup, like socialists everywhere, he can't quite take the blame for his idiocy and can't quite recognize socialism for the scam that it is. This fool is still mired in his self-destructive Marxist ideology. Bad habits are hard to break and genuinely own up to, or so it appears. In any event, his end is mercifully near.
Word of advice to Venezuelans: this time embrace capitalism and individual responsibility, not life-sapping socialism. In the end, free government giveaways are poison. Let's hope you've learned your lesson. Of course, this is a lesson for American socialists to learn as well, but, alas, stupid is as stupid does.
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