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Thursday, November 9, 2017

BEWARE: Leftist Push Still On to Eliminate Electoral College.

To eliminate effective State control over an increasingly top-heavy federal government, in the early 19th century the Progressives successfully persuaded Americans to ratify the 17th Amendment (direct election of Senators). Prior to that God-awful 17th, State Legislatures, acting as sovereign members of the federal union, appointed delegates to represent them in the Senate; thus, Senators acted as the direct representatives for the duly elected State legislatures. This provided States considerable sway over the direction and policies of the federal government. And, of course, this is precisely what the Founders had in mind to ensure State parity with the DC Leviathan. Passage of the 17th was a major defeat for constitutional governance and the founding principle of dual state-federal sovereignty. In one short-sighted stroke, the States became vassals of the federal government, Senators became nothing more nor less than 6-year term congressmen--NOT what our framers had in mind at all. And our republic has been spiraling downhill ever since.
Now the libs want to abolish the last thread of electoral sanity by eliminating the electoral college. If that happens, folks, the playing field will be anything but level. The smaller States will have no influence over the outcome of presidential elections.The east and west coasts and other Progressive-dominated metropolitan areas would RULE. To hell with fly-over States who would no longer have a voice in the selection of a President. The final nail in the coffin of our constitutional government.
Unless we are educated and engaged, the relentless liberal efforts to undermine what remains of constitutional governance in this country will be successful. What will ensue will be tyranny and, unless we've drunk the kool-aid and learned how to bow and scrape by then, it will necessarily result in civil war and disunion. Patriots should not tolerate such brazen tyranny. Don't be fooled by the Progressive propaganda about fairness. Fairness is not their aim. POWER and CONTROL have always been their game. Be vigilant and push back.

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