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Saturday, June 30, 2018

"Abortion Rights": Progressive Ideology vs the US Constitution

Assailed by the frenetic Leftist claim that with the appointment of another originalist to the Supreme Court abortion will be suddenly and cruelly rendered illegal, what these Progressives don't seem to understand--or conveniently ignore--is that the addition of a Justice who will faithfully adhere to his/her Art III duty will more likely result in the Court's rendering opinions which more closely comport with the original meaning and intent of the Constitution--NOT allegiance to unconstitutional, arbitrary Progressive ideological biases. That means that Roe vs Wade, WILDLY and arbitrarily unconstitutional, will and should be overturned. Would that mean "the end of federally-created "abortion rights"? Absolutely!!! Why? Because there is no such federal or Constitutional "right". PERIOD. At that point, the 10th Amendment will kick in:
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the People".
In other words, like motorcycle helmets, defining marriage, controlling education and a nearly infinite number of other undefined powers not specifically delegated to the federal government in the Constitution, will be properly re-assumed by the individual States. SO, if, say, Alabama outlaws abortion, a person would need to move to or travel to a State which legally condones abortion. That's the way our Founders expected this to work--the so-called "laboratory of the States". A US Citizen is able to vote with his/her feet.
In the years ahead, I strongly suspect that the definition of marriage, a power never ever granted to the federal government by the Constitution, will similarly devolve to the individual States where that power--and so many others which have been usurped by the federal government--properly resides.
It isn't supposed to be about emotions, advancing political dogmas, arbitrarily creating rights out of whole cloth, or personal feelings and biases. It is always supposed to be about the LAW. If you want an abortion or marry a goat, go to it, so long as it is in keeping with the supreme law of the land, that being the Constitution, and so long as it fully comports with the laws of your State. Don't like it? Amend the Constitution!

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