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Friday, June 29, 2018

The Clock is Ticking for Deep Staters

It appears that it's all finally and mercifully coming to a head. At least I hope I'm not misreading the situation. 
Quite out of character for a painfully long time now, the House GOP surprised us today by actually demonstrating some genuine spine. By a 226-183 vote, the House passed a resolution, non-binding but most certainly a well-aimed shot across the bow, justifiably and indignantly demanding that the lawless DOJ turn over all documents requested by Congress. Finally, Rosenstein, poster boy for DC elitism and insufferable hubris, and one of the deep state's special darlings, is under direct fire, and he's not handling it well at all. A thief and scoundrel gets testy when exposed, and Rosenstein is no exception to that rule. He's been exposed for the liar and subversive he is, and he is fully deserving of our contempt. 
In any event, it's so reassuring to see the hammer of justice finally being fearlessly wielded by erstwhile weak-kneed Republicans. But unless substantive sanctions accompany any contempt charges, impeachment proceedings must speedily proceed. It's well past time to take the gloves off, and the patriots in Congress seem to have finally understood that. Tactically, it may also be nearing the perfect time for the President to order the timely declassification and surrendering of all subpoenaed documents to either the White House for on-forwarding to Congress, or directly to the House Judiciary Committee, failing which his duty is crystal-clear: he must excise the debilitating cancer pervading the DOJ by terminating those irresponsible.
When one thinks about the maelstrom created by Russian interference in our political system, one should be duly impressed by Russia's effectiveness in this regard. But, don't forget. They didn't pull it off alone. With the active assistance of Demonrats and their deep state co-conspirators, Russia's subversive efforts to undermine our political system and to divide us have been nothing short of spectacularly successful! (Gotta' give credit where credit is due.) But in all this drama what we should never forget is the nefarious Demonrat-Russia alliance/collusion, without which the Russian effort would have been, at best, but a relatively minor and predictable aggravation. Many subversives, both here and abroad, richly deserve our full-throated condemnation. Stay tuned...

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