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Monday, December 17, 2018

The Constitution's 10th Amendment Cannot Enforce Itself

Image may contain: 1 person, text and closeupTrue, Mr. Jefferson. But, tragically, you and the framers never fully anticipated elective offices morphing into career paths, and sovereign States being forcibly and/or financially enticed to accept their transformation into vassals of the federal government, each State government a sordid microcosm of its master in DC.
Yes, Mr. Jefferson, modern Americans have managed to flip you and your compatriots' best laid plan, the Constitution, on its head. But you and your illustrious colleagues, understanding human nature, DID foresee the very real possibility, indeed the inevitability, of this republic's being reduced to that of an oligarchy or dictatorship. You were dead to rights on that prediction.
In any event, sir, I sincerely thank you and your fellow patriots for expending so much effort and blood to establish what you had hoped to have been a durable constitutional republic. And, you must admit, unlike many of you who divined the end of the republic by 1825 or thereabouts, we have miraculously managed to limp along into the 21st century, of course as anything but a genuine constitutional republic--oh, the trappings of a republic, for sure, but a faint replica nonetheless.
So, State Nullification, an otherwise common sense and natural remedy to check federal tyranny is, today, an unrealistic hope. The People and their respective States have long ago surrendered their sovereignty and faithfulness to first principles, all for a few pieces of federal silver.
So you good folks showed us the way, but we foolishly veered left. The fault is not yours; it is ours.

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