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Sunday, January 27, 2019


Gee! Am just flush with goose bumps and aflutter with barely contained excitement. Another big government, opportunistic, anti-American Progressive, a notoriously divisive practitioner of identity politics, double-talk, and self-consumption has thrown her hat in the 2020 presidential ring.
She is none other than the tenacious, me-first entitled Queen of Snide, Slick, Arrogance and Mean herself, the inimitable (thank God) Sen. Kamala Harris of the People's Democrat Socialist Republic of California, arguably among the most offensive politicians I have yet endured. (And she just might be among the "best" candidates the Left can dredge from its bowels this go-round. I know. No accounting for taste and sound judgement anymore, huh?)
But, you gotta' hand it to Kamala. She's tenacious, well-spoken--even if it is obfuscatory and cynically self-serving-- thoroughly endowed with a self-driven sense of entitlement, and, for all practical purposes, a perfect model for the thuggish subversive Left to celebrate and anoint. And for that less than stellar character profile, I am confident she'll garner plenty of electoral support from among indoctrinated Demonrat voters and similarly afflicted useful idiots. She is, after all, respectably intelligent and a practiced spinmeister of exceptional skill. Like so many of her Progressive co-contenders, she's just sorely lacking in character and principle, and is unabashedly faithless to America's first principles, rendering her a perfect fit on the left. But, in fairness, does character, principle and adherence to decency, honor and the US Constitution today have any real weight or influence at all on the Left--or, indeed, in some Progressive pockets on the Right as well? Of course not. So, therefore, she does have a better than even chance of capturing the prize, as disturbing a prospect as that may be to many of us who still value principle, patriotism and personal integrity.
The crucial question is, will Demonrat electoral support for Kamala or for her fellow contenders be enough to clinch primary selection. Frankly, I hope so. Why? They would each be silly puddy in Trump's tell-it-like-is, unrehearsed and convincingly pro-American hands. Trump would, I believe, quickly, indelicately, and convincingly provide a sober and painful contrast to the arrogant Kamalas, pro-terrorist Rashida Tlaibs, congenital spinmeister Swalwells, and socialist Bernie Sanders types which currently plague the fetid world of Democratic Progressivism/Socialism. And for that, I actually look forward to the parade of lunatics and other never-never-landers the Dims will most assuredly be foisting upon the American electorate in the coming months.
Regarding Kamala and Sanders types, this can be said with certainty: they can't be any less attractive or less genuinely American than the insipid PC Starbucks CEO who has also opted to run. (My God!) Sadly, we can expect to be feted with what will most likely be the most remarkably offensive and clownish parade of reckless kooks, brigands, adolescent social justice types and subversives in the annals of American history. That's really how far we've strayed from our standards of decency and Constitutional moorings. I can only hope we can maintain our humor throughout that trauma.
I can't imagine that any of us can honestly refute that the Modern Democrat Party has manifestly transformed itself into an authoritarian, big-government, socialist party, quite beholding to itself and not to the republic. And despite our best and noblest efforts, I don't think we can ever really change that, only stop it or ameliorate its toxic effects. In short, JFK's Democrat Party no longer mirrors America's first principles or its sacred traditions, neither on the social or political planes. And, sadly, we can expect no better of that party today. Objectively, we can no longer rely upon a loyal American opposition in DC to safeguard our personal liberties and the fruits of free enterprise, the bedrock foundations of what were once the fountains of our pride and hope in the future. The questions persist, have enough of us honestly and intelligently recognized and resisted this internal transformation? Have too many of us been duped or, just as perilously, fallen in lockstep, this to go-along-to-get-along? Frankly, we won't know until we see who is residing in the White House in January 2021.
Finally, remember the barrage of deprecating MSM commentary regarding the 15 or so GOP primary candidates running in 2016? Fifteen-seventeen candidates ain't nothin' anymore, or so it appears. The avaricious Demonrats are expected to field something closer to 25 me-first, the Constitution-be-damned leftist ideologues and, by logical extension, barely cogent, credible candidates, each bought and paid for by the hedge-betting titans on Wall Street and each propelled by his or her own pathological need for political power--not the survival of our republic or of our increasingly irrelevant Constitution. It will be quite the unsettling sideshow, and the outcome of the 2020 elections will clearly gauge this country's faithfulness to our founding principles as well as our direction as a country in the future. I await with baited breath, but with a healthy regard for realism and the need for appropriate contingency planning.

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