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Sunday, May 5, 2019


Among the decent, the natural inclination is to downplay, make excuses for, or even ignore evil, choosing instead to reserve judgement on the extent and reality of that evil's destructiveness until sufficient proof of that evil is so overwhelming as to be painfully unmistakable. For me, Islamic jihadis, radical white supremacist terrorists, authoritarians and the modern Democrat Party, aka Democratic Socialists, have more than clearly demonstrated their malicious intent. And since subversion of decency and liberty are the telltale signs of that evil, then it behooves us all to see it as it really is.
Yes, many of their leaders and followers have been blinded by their thirst for political power alone, and still others have simply become unhinged, misled and addled by the relentless and highly effective barrage of nihilistic Leftist propaganda over the years. But this must be clear to all who value peace, harmony and individual freedom: the "modern Democrat Party" has morphed into a malignant cancer which, if permitted to further metastasize in a free society which was born of an abiding belief in the value of individual freedom, will spell the end of individual Liberty, Capitalism and all other liberating and empowering natural forces for which humanity has always hungered and only by which it may flourish.
In short, the Democrat Party is no longer the JFk party, and hasn't been the JFK party for quite some time. Thus, awakened to the clear and present danger which the modern Democrat Party has become, and as wisely counseled by our Founders and buoyed by a healthy regard for our own survival as a free people, we are each duty-bound to ensure that the modern Democrat Party is not just resisted, but hobbled and ultimately excised from the body politic.

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