HEADLINE: "Biden Says Constitution Doesn't Say Anyone Can Own Any Weapon"
Joe Biden said that the U.S. Constitution does not allow “anyone” to own a weapon and does not give citizens the right to buy “any kind of weapon” they want because every amendment has limitations.
Wow! Nothing like a cogent analysis of the 2nd Amendment, huh? Obviously, another modern law school grad and political opportunist.
Joe, neither does the 2nd Amendment say no one may own a gun or that some persons may be denied a gun by the federal government. And, of course, the Amendment makes no mention of a limitation on the right to bear arms. Show me where it says that!
Furthermore, a reasonable person must conclude--and our founders completely understood this--that nowhere in the Constitution are the People denied the right to arm themselves in a manner consistent with their ability to successfully thwart either foreign invasions OR federal tyranny. Thus, the amendment does not limit persons to muskets and swords when the enemy, whether foreign or domestic, is armed with tanks, planes and other modern weapons of war. That's just plain ol' common sense, something with which our founders were richly endowed.
One last thing: neither the Congress, the Executive Branch nor the Supreme Court is empowered by the Constitution to unilaterally re-write the Constitution by judicial fiat, executive order or legislation. And that includes the 2nd Amendment. PERIOD
Want to change the meaning of the 2nd Amendment without precipitating a showdown with the People? Then you, Joe, and your fellow totalitarian Progressives must invoke Article V to properly amend the Constitution. The federal government's arbitrarily altering the original meaning and clear intent of the 2nd Amendment will be just cause for the People to act upon their inherent God-given right and duty to defend themselves from such federal tyranny. Keep that in mind, Joe.
**“The right of the people to keep and bear ARMS (note: undefined) shall not be infringed. A well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to ARMS, is the best and most natural defense of a free country.” —James Madison, I Annals of Congress 434, June 8, 1789
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